October 30 2024

Read the Short Version of Our Code of Conduct

The ICEBERG Code of Conduct is a values-based document that defines how research is conducted in the project. The short version of the document is available now and sheds light on the four main concepts of ICEBERG’s activities: fairness, respect, care and honesty.

Research integrity is a crucial part of the ICEBERG project. With sixteen partner organizations coming from different disciplines and backgrounds, a mutual set of principles can strengthen collaborations and efficiency.

The Code of Conduct is a values-based document that reflects on what knowledge co-production, ethics, equity, citizen science, and data management mean in the context of ICEBERG’s actions. It is a framework for self-regulation that seeks to provide guidance through short, clear and accessible statements on internal and external research collaboration.

ICEBERG’s Code of Conduct builds on four concepts: fairness, respect, care and honesty.

Tahnee Prior from ICEBERG’s partner organization Women of the Arctic (WoA) has been leading the process of elaborating the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct was drafted together with input from ICEBERG partner organizations through a series of surveys, meetings and workshops.

“We saw what we can gather from the documents each institution follows and from the conversations that we’ve had about ethics, knowledge, co-production and citizen engagement, inclusivity and equity. Our aim was to turn all this information into a document that we can all agree to adhere to,” Prior describes.

The ICEBERG Code of Conduct is a living document. This means that the relevance of its content is assessed throughout the project. If needed, the document can be updated.

“We’ve decided to make it a living document because we acknowledge that the context will change. Perhaps we initially focused on one element but our fieldwork illuminated that another is more important or the current guidance requires some tweaking,” Prior says.

Prior hopes that the Code of Conduct is utilized actively within the project.

“Generally these documents are produced and then they sit somewhere on a website and collect dust and nobody reads them. So our hope was really to create a document that people can go back to.”

Read the short version of the Code of Conduct. The full version will be available soon.

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Project Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Thora Herrmann
University of Oulu

Co-coordinator, Project Manager

Dr Élise Lépy
University of Oulu


Marika Ahonen

Innovative Community Engagement for Building Effective Resilience and Arctic Ocean Pollution-control Governance in the Context of Climate Change

ICEBERG has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and innovation funding programme under grant agreement No 101135130

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